In April 2018 I traveled with my photography-class to Palestine. Here are some of the people I met on the way.
Two kids, both from the Palestinian refugee-camp, Aida Camp. The inhabitant of Aida Camp refuse to call this a town, even though their borders were illegally pushed over 70 years ago by Israeli militias. Within a kilometer of where both pictures were taken, the wall, "The Green Line", is standing tall. A place where many Palestinians often have been subdued by teargas and even shot dead.
Even though this situation might seem hopeless, the people have high morale and don't seem to intend to back down.
An Israeli settler and a mannequin in make-up.
This is Ahin.
I met Ahin in his tent in the Negev Desert. His six camels were standing right outside in the scorching heat of the sun.                                             As we dig into his egg-mayonnaise salad with his freshly baked bread, a bunch of flies crowd the salad, as he shows me pictures of peculiar things he's found on his way on his iPad. Despite him not speaking English and me not speaking Arabic, we still got along and told each other about our experiences and homes over a cup of sweet Arabic tea. 
This is Ahin, from Sudan. He's a Bedouin, and as he puts it, is "many years old".
This is Ahin, and we were enjoying life that day.